food for yellow tang


beth told me that my fish looked like it needed a better diet. what else do they eat i was looking into making my own home made food for my fish if i were to do so what should i put to help the fish out? Right now my fish is eating frozen food called emerald entree it states clearly that it is for yellow tangs but so what could the food be missing?

who dey

Active Member
i have found that veggie flakes with "spirulina" in the ingredients do well with tangs. along with clipped seaweed on the tank. dosing the veg flakes once a week with garlic can help maintain healthy immune system IMO you should let beth use that picture you posted; it's very informative!


Staff member
A single diet of just one item, no matter how good that one food may be, is never good. For optimum health you want to add a variety of foods. Tangs need to have a healthy variety of greens, including items that they can graze one daily, such as Seaweed Selects. You really need to experiment with quality foods to see what your fish like best. The tang will also need at least 40% meaty food. For your tank, I would start using supplements, zoecon, in with at least some of the meals.