Food Help


I am looking for food suggestions for my aquarium as my fish need a larger variety in their diet.
I am currently alternating between flakes and a frozen marine blend.
In the tank I have:
2 Ocelerius Clowns
1 3-Striped Damsel
1 Dlue Devil Damsel
1 Neon Dottyback
1 Yellow Tang
1 Sand Sifting Starfish
Various Snails and Hermits
1 Tube Anemone
1 Bracnhing Octocoral
1 Hammer Coral
Some GSPs
Some Zoos
Some Mushrooms
Some Rics
Any suggestions or discriptions of what/how you feed your tanks would be much appreciated.


Active Member
i would also add into the mix of what you are feeding your fish some formula one. Great stuff IMO!
Iw ould feed your hammer if you would like some silversides, or krill, or even some furmula one. Anything meaty.
and you have nothing that can ingest phylo so you can skip that.
also some formula two or some nori sheets for the yellow tang.
and how big of an aquarium do you have? And how much sand? You may not have enough for your sandsifting star to do well.


It is a 55 gal. tank.
The sand sifter has been in there for over a year and appears to be doing well. He has neary doubled in size since I bought him. I have been thinking of trading him in for a couple of serpant/brittle stars before he runs out of food though.
Are you talking about Ocean Nutrition Formula 1&2 Marine Pellets?


Active Member
check my post on herbavore diet I have a list of the foods i use posted.these will benefit all of your fish