Food Variety


New Member
I would like your opinion on the types of food I should be feeding a 120 gallon reef tank with the following community fish: Purple Tang, Coral Beauty, Clark Clown, Ornate Wrasse, Twin Spot Yellow Wrasse, 2 Six-Line Wrasse, 4 Chromis, 3 Zebra Bar Gobies, and a Watchman Goby. As you can see I have carnivores, omnivores and herbivores and I want to make sure they are all getting the proper nutrition. I feed twice per day including Seaweed Select every day for the Tang. The Coral Beauty doesn't touch it. Suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks.
I've been told that a great way to feed your reef is to make your own food. There's plenty of diy sites that lists ingredients but basically you can go to the seafood counter at your supermarket and get raw shrimp, scallops, whitefish, squid, etc. Just stay away from the oily fishes like salmon.
Other ingredients may be spinach, seaweed (the kind used to roll sushi), vitamins, whateve else you like. All this can be blended together to make a reef food. Chances are that everyone in your reef will find something they like.
I think I read where a total of a pound of your homemade reef food will last for something like 2-3 months. Just keep it frozen.
For more info find some of the diy sites and check there.


I also have a mix in my tank. I don't worry about giving a variety every day. One day I'll feed brine shrimp and krill and maybe the next day it's formula 1 and something else. I also give nori about every other day.


Active Member
I have a 90 with quite a variety of fish, I feef the following on a random rotation...
brine shrimp
small mysys shrimp
large mysis shrimp (porcupine puffer loves these)
omega 1 flake food
shrimp pellets (i mainly give these to my bubble coral, he loves them)
brown and green seaweed selects
My fish all seem to love the variety.