Food ?

uk cats

I have a 65gal reef and 24 nano reef and I have been feeding them with Kents Phytoplex and Marine Snow. My ? is Red Sea has a product called Coral Gro Food 17oz . I use alot of Red sea products and I was wondering if that product could take the place of the other two. Also has anyone used this food? Is it worth it. Im not wanting to mess anything up just wondering if I could better my Aquariums. Thanks to all that read this and that gives feedback. GO KY.


Active Member
I personally would say most of any of those products is......(drum roll).....very expensive water.
Invest in "real" stuff - DT's phytoplankton, oyster eggs, cyclopeeze, frozen rotifers, reef roids, etcetc.
Or even make your own in a blender, combining lots of stuff and freezing it.
Personally, though, I wouldn't spend money on the shelf products like those.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ophiura
I personally would say most of any of those products is......(drum roll).....very expensive water.
Invest in "real" stuff - DT's phytoplankton, oyster eggs, cyclopeeze, frozen rotifers, reef roids, etcetc.
Or even make your own in a blender, combining lots of stuff and freezing it.
Personally, though, I wouldn't spend money on the shelf products like those.

I agree with that statement about 300% maybe more.

uk cats

Hey OPHIURA Thanks for your comments. I didnt know that those products I was using was really that bad. ? for you. I know what Cyclopeeze is and I have frozen rotifers but what are reef roids if you dont mind explaining. Also what other frozen products would you advise me to try. I greatly appreciate it. I have soft corals and inverts no hard corals. Thanks again