

What is the best food for a reef aquarium? I have a mandarian, pecula clown, lr, ls, will have coral soon(i hope).


Active Member
There is no one best food. Different animals have different dietary requirements. For example, a clown will eat just about anything, so a quality flake food is fine. A mandarine will not eat flake... but rather needs plenty of pods to stay fat. Some corals are photosynthetic and require good lighting for nutrition. Others require direct feeding.
It all depends on the critter.


Active Member
Originally posted by dhbrk:
<strong>what are pods?</strong><hr></blockquote>
Copepods and amphipods... they are tiny critters that live in live rock (and maybe live sand too???). They are small, white critters that are nocternal. They make up the diet of some fish, including mandarins.


NO it does not mean means that the mandarin may or may not ever have enough food...this will depend on the size of your tank & how much LR you have in may want to get a magnifying glass & closedly examine the sides of your tank nearest the where the sand meets the glass...that sometimes might indicate whether you have healthy pod population or not if you notice a bunch of little white flea like looking creatures each time you look over a period of should have healthy population...if you should not notice constant presence of them, & after short period only see a few or none; that may mean your mandarin has hunted out your stock of which case adding few pounds more of LR or small amount of sand from someone eles's established FOWLR or reef tank may help reintroduce pods into your tank...occasionally mandarind will take other food, but is not worth their life to risk depending on this