

hi i have been feeding my fish mainly frozen mysis it is sallyd brand san fransisco bay brand. I read on hear bout some frozens that have gelitins in it and can cause excess nutrients. Does anyone know what types these are? By nitrates were zero a month ago and after I put 25lbs of LR in the nitrates climb. Does any one know what the cause could be. I feed oyster eggs 1-2 tumes a week and pyro 1-2 times a week for the sponges and dusters. I started feeding these to things when igot the rock 4 weeks ago, but I have been feeding the mysis for 9 months now. Besides the rock the 2 things I added since the nitrates have started to rise was a scooter blenny and an anemone. Any help would be appreciated. I have 5 fish in a 40 with a wetdry.


Active Member
Buy seafood medely at grocery store, make sure it contains no salmon. Put in 1 pack mysis shrimp, some garlic extreme, or fresh pressed garlic,you could also put in some nori or alage sheets. Mix up the mixture in a food chopper or processor, it should have a chunky paste like texture to it, Go ahead and spread it out about 1/8 inch thick ain a ziplock baggie, Then you freeze it. This should yield about three baggies. This is way better and cheaper for you and your fish


is there anything I need to be carefully of when doing this type of stuff. For some reason it scares me a little putting things in the tank that are not packaged for fish. I know that is not the way I should think, also what kind of garlic and why is it that people feed garlic to there fish? I read people doing this all the time bit it just seems odd to me. Garlic isnt found in the ocean thanks


Fish fish just like the smell and taste of garlic. Dont use seasoning it may have other crap in it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jchmiel
Fish fish just like the smell and taste of garlic. Dont use seasoning it may have other crap in it.
Dont use the seasoning's in the store, use fresh. It boost's there immune systems helping to repel certain disease's and parasite's like ick.This also helps dogs and cats fight worms. All the stuff in the seafood medely is from the ocean stuff they would normaly eat.