Foot not sticky


Active Member
I have an anemone whose foot will not stick. He just keeps felling on his face. I build a little tupperware trap thingy with holes in it and turned the flow back on last night, and he was stuck to the rock, now he's not.
I know its not the params, or my lighting. It's not the tank, it's the anemone.
What can I do for him. My last anemone got caught in a covered intake, so I am concerned that the same will happen here. What to do?
Thanks in advance.


Active Member
I did discover why I keel finding him in the sand. HE is a malu and they like sand. I think he looks healthy, his color is nice and his mouth is closed. I will get pics later. I am not Homs right now.


Active Member
If so you have picked probably the most difficult anemone to keep in captivity. They often don't live beyond a year. Weekly feedings will be a necesity particularly with brine shrimp...Good Luck. If it's a tan color you will have a much better chance than that with a white color.


Active Member
He is not white, he is a lovely tank and neon green. He seems fine. I burried him in the sand and he is just hanging out now, there is moderate flow and great lighting.... I haven't heard they are the most difficult, but I hear once they adapt, they are quite hardy. As far as the feedings, I just feed the anems with a skewer that has a pointy end to stab the food. I just jiggle it and the anemone seems just fine. I will keep updates though, and we'll see how he does.
Thanks for the responses!! I appreciate the speed!


Active Member
Sounds like you may have purchased an artificially dyed species...Good luck, it will need regular feedings to live since it is very likely that there are no photosynthetic housemates left.


Active Member
The H. Malu shown on the site is certainly dyed. You can tell because the mouth and foot will also generally exhibit some coloration. H. Malu's natural coloration ranges from cream to tan/brown and some pink/purple variations.


Active Member
Interesting to know. Thanks for the information. I will look into it and see if there is anything I can do for him.


Active Member
feedings of small pieces of meaty foods are a necessity, hopefully over time the xooanthellate will begin to repopulate the specimen and it will being to turn more of a tan/brown color over time.


Originally Posted by rlablan
I have an anemone whose foot will not stick. He just keeps felling on his face. I build a little tupperware trap thingy with holes in it and turned the flow back on last night, and he was stuck to the rock, now he's not.
I know its not the params, or my lighting. It's not the tank, it's the anemone.
What can I do for him. My last anemone got caught in a covered intake, so I am concerned that the same will happen here. What to do?
Thanks in advance.
Get a large trashbag, and put the current anemone in it. Fill it with bricks, and very little water. (this will help keep the anemone nice and stinky). Tie it up and drive to your LFS and throw it threw the window. Try to hit as many tanks as possible. Drive to another LFS and buy a new anemone.


Active Member
okay crazy.... I'll keep that in mind.
UPDATE: I put the anemone in my new tank about a week ago. He seemed happier and he was in the front of the tank, where I could see him. I came out one day and he was gone and has been gone since. I have no idea what happened to him, hope he didn't die... My reading are still fine.