for a seahorse...


New Member
its been a long time since I have posted in this forum but im back and i was going to start a seahorse tank but still im not sure which one to get.... im between a 20 gal hex which is 16Lx16Wx20H or between a 15 gal rectangular which is 13Lx13Wx26H the recangular is higher but does not have that much of swimming space.. but the 20 gal since its a hex has much more space but it is not as high... also I will probably be adding a filter skimmer and carbon to keep water conditions as close to perfect...
P.S I want to keep around 3 or 4 seahorses all depending on the size i get the tank... thanks


Active Member
I've always heard taller is better - so that is the route I would go - that way the food is easier to find for the seahorse .... a nice tall area that allows them to swim up and down but limits their range means they will be able to hunt and catch their food a lot easier!!
Good luck and hopefully someone with actual expereince chimes in!!


Taller isnt always better if that means the dimesnions are only 13x13. I would definetly go with the hexagon. Depending on which species the 13x13 in the rectangular is a little to small. The hexs size is perfect for a couple/few reidi, kudas, or whiteis.


Active Member
I think the 20 would be fine. It is shorter, but tall enugh for many species. A piar of barbouri, capensis, comes, erectus, histrix, reidi, spinosissimus, or subelongatus. Or if you'd like some smaller species you can get a few zosterae or barbibanti but they require a bit more work for feeding.


New Member
thanks for the info.. then I'll go for the hex, I started school so im going to take things slowly but not to slow, im gonna look for more info on keeping them and make sure all the specifications and maybe by september i will start with the tank. I will update for any other stuff. thanks