For ALL newbies!


Save yourself a lot of time, aggrivation AND money. Set up a hospital tank when you set up your show tank. Don't try to slide by and think you can get away without one cause you can't! You'll need one at one time or another because as soon as you put your first fish in that new tank, you're taking a chance of infecting it and if you have l/r or l/s you can't medicate it.


AND! Put all your new fish (including the first ones) in your hospital tank for a week or two before letting them into your show tank. Watch for signs of disease. If all looks well after a week or two, then put them in your show tank and your fish should all be safe from harm and you from worry and sorrow over your losses.


Active Member
Some do keep the copper levels up some don't. Some LFS keep copper in all their FO tanks.


If most LFS keep copper in their FO tanks than how do you acclimate one of their fish into your tank? You can't gradually introduce them by combinining water. How do you introduce the fish than?


I fully agree with Mr.Tang. Using copper or any other meds or treatments BEFORE hand is simply an OXYMORON IMO. Thats like human beings taking antibiotics everyday just in case we get sick.I do agree with a "Quarantine" tank....always isolate new additions for a short period of time before introduction into your show tank..thats just good common sense.


Hey thanks you guys!!!!!!!!! Im getting old......38 today !!! LOL......Happy reefing 2 yall from Texas !!!!!!!!!


so what's the best way to set up a QT. tank? size, light, filter, substraight (if any) and does it need to cycled? if so how. <img src="graemlins//confused.gif" border="0" alt="[confused]" />


Marco.....all the Q T tanks Ive seen have mostly been bare bottem. Also,the use of the USUAL EQUIPMENT is employed...EG- Skimmer,circulation pumps,etc. Also.....complete water chemistry testing is too size of QT tanks..Ive seen all the way from 2 gallon thru 50 gallon sizes over the years.....also...Ive heard that LOW light levels might be more RELAXING too a sick specimen.....It is just what will WORK FOR YOU...........I hope this helps some.....Good Luck

kris walker

Active Member
Well, you can see where the server went down during my last post. :rolleyes: Anyway, just forget what I said because I don't feel like typing all that again (that was only half the post--the other half didn't survive the "submit").
EDIT: except for what I said to you Joe! :)