? for Litmus


Active Member
Just read a post where you say you have a purple tang in a 75. My lfs guy called yesterday to let me know he got a shipment in which included a purple tang. I think he said he selling it for $60.00. I currently have a yellow tang, 6 line wrasse, scissortail goby, firefish goby and 1 green chromis. Please check out website for other details if interested.
Have you been happy with your purple tang and would you recommend it for me based on my setup and your experience?


Sorry I'm not Litmus-but I'm going to reply anyway--of course feel free to disregard.
I see a big problem with the purple and the yellow. They almost certainly will kill each other. Another thing to point out about the purple is that the more i see of them, including my own I am convinced they thrive only in the reef enviroment. In my own tank and most display tanks at the lfs I see thier colors faded sometimes almost turning brownish. Yet the ones in a reef are the super bright purple that attracts us to them. There is no literature to confirm this, but it has been my experience with all that I've seen. (I probably looked at 100 of them before choosing mine) Even on "ideal" feeding mine has lost the brightness to it, even though he is very healthy otherwise.
Good Luck


Active Member
Kris/Jakepilot: thanks both for the replys. Two tangs in a tank my size are probably not going to get along.
Jakepilot: Where outside of Atlanta is your store? Name? We go into Atlanta from time to time; about 3 hours away.