For Sale FOWLR


I am selling this tank because I need the money to start up my 165G. I would like to keep the live stock but can't, no room for them. This whole setup is only 9 months old. The pictures I am including are taking by a Nikon 775(ok digital camera) This tank has only seen water from a spectra pure 60GPD RO/DI unit. (labratory grade water 0 PPM)
65 Gallon tank Iron stand 36"-18"-24" $150
Eheim 2213 $75
Icecap 660 three sets of endcaps. $200
200W Tronic heater $30
Hagen 802 Power Head $35
SeaClone Protein skimmer $70
75Lbs Live sand $90
25 Lbs Live rock four Different Kinds $200
home made hood, hold three 36" VHO's Misc Suppliments
Live stock
Sailfin Tang $30
Golden Semilarvatus Butterflyfish $150
Flame Angle $60
Clean Up Crew For 75G $80
Watchman Goby $25
Coral Banded Shrimp $25
Ten Bumble Bee snails $20
Cardinal Fish $25
Long Spine Black Oricant $30
As you can see this is a nice setup, the skimmer could be upgraded but works ok. The best part about this tank, there are "0" Nitrates Yes I have two defferent test kits because I did not beleave it the first time I measured this. All inhabitants are growing and very healty. There has never been any outbrakes in this tank. This has'nt been any livestock adding in five months, very stable. I will not ship this tank, but will help in every way i can to help buyer pack it up in my apartment on the upper west side of Mahattan. I am open to trades for Metal Halide setups Iwaki pumps, large skimmers for my 165G tank. Disc brake setup for 66 Impala and 12 bolt rear for 66 Impala. (212) 280-6623 The total new investment is $1,305.00


25 Lbs Live rock four Different Kinds $200 ?? that is damn expensive rocks you have there..
Are you willing to sell piece of your set up?


I guess the point is that usually you sell stuff for less than you paid for it and not charge retailer prices.
On the other side of the coin he has the option not to pay your prices. What does the clean up crew consist of?