For Sale: Modded Maxi-Jet 2400 gph


Active Member
I have a relatively new (the unit was used for only about two weeks, and it has been sitting out since) modded maxi-jet that does 2400 gph. Nice unit, TOO much flow for my needs. I spent a little over $60 for the power head and the kit about a month ago. I also spent another $15 on a set of magnets that I will throw in. I am asking for $40. I am also posting this on another site (not bay....another a local SW forum), so whoever contacts me first gets it.


Active Member
Actually Brian, I had NO complaints out of my unit at all...noise, flow output, anything.....just a bit more flow than I cared for......I have one individual who contacted me prior to you (on my local site). So I am going to give him a shot at it (fair is fair)...but if he doesn't want it.....Yours....40 shipped....i'll get back to you as soon as I hear from him in the next day or so.


Active Member
Item was sold. Brian, if the guy falls through...I will shoot you an e-mail.
Thanks, ismael