For Sale Nerite snails 50 for 30.00 shipped


PLease contact me I am interested in the snails. Let me know how you will be shipping and if you garuantee live arrival. It will be in the 40's and 50's here next week. Thanks. Also how much for 75 and 100.


Sorry to let every one no that the Snails i was going to sale came in dead. contact me later . I am waiting for replacements
snails. i need a lot for my my 4 tanks.

nano reefer

Active Member
wait, so you ordered snails, and then were just going to sell thm here? sounds like you were trying to make a profit...


Not trying to make a profit i have to by so many to get this price
needed 300 for my own tanks .so if i sale 50 of them to make
some of my money back. I don't see where that will heart any
thing.50 would pay for my shipping. and help some one else out
to, so they don't have to go to there LFS and pay 3.00 each for
a snail. 3.00 for one snail nuts if you want to pay that much for a snail go right a head Nano Reefer