for sale


I am going to shut down my large tank and keep my smaller tank going.
Prefer not to ship livestock but will ship dry goods
100 pounds live rock $3.00 pp
acan $15 per head pink and green
condium $10
2 green chromis $10
1 blue damsil $5
55 gal non rr tank $65
30 gal $30
little giant 3 mdxq $75
Sea Clone skimmer $15
Excaliber skimmer $30
orange cap frags $10
green stripe shrooms $2.25 each
six line wrass $15
Algae blenny $10
Clown fish 5 $10 each
non salt realeted:


Hi I am intreasted in the sea clone skimmer,orange cap frag, and a couple of green shrooms.I live about 45 mins from onieda if you still have any let me know might be able to make the trip sat. or sun. thanks


Active Member
thanks for getting back to me, i emailed you this morning and yesterday afternoon. monday will be fine, just keep me in the loop :)