for those who don't make their own r/o water...


New Member
do you get r/o water somewhere else? The decent lfs near me sells it for $1/gallon but there's another lfs about 30 min. away that gives it away for free. I'm guessing the more local lfs is a bit overpriced?


Ya I get mine free from my LFS and there is another one close by that I think gives it out free but I've never asked since I already got my source.


Originally Posted by froogy
do you get r/o water somewhere else? The decent lfs near me sells it for $1/gallon but there's another lfs about 30 min. away that gives it away for free. I'm guessing the more local lfs is a bit overpriced?
Is there salt already added to the water? $1/gallon seems insane... Walmart's RODI water is 39 cents.


Originally Posted by COWFISHRULE
how often do you think wallyworld changes their membranes?
I wonder that about every grocery store... you just gotta trust, lol.


Active Member
I used the glacier and watermill types. Test something like the alk/calcium of the RO machines to get an idea. But I would not presume the LFS change their membranes all that often either. They have a captive clientèle that assumes they do...


Active Member
i used to use walmarts or the supermarkets...usually had the inspections on them once per month...not to say that means anything...but puts my mind a bit more at easy,lol
but now i got an ro/di, saves me money since my water in the apt is free


Active Member
I buy ro at Kroger...its 0.25 a gallon and the water people inspect the TDS every week..I have it down to a schedual so I can try and be there when they check the water..