for those who have fox face


Hi, i am trying to find abit of information about the foxface,and what better information could i get ...from the people who has them!!! Would they be happy in 77 gal reef? Do they have great personnality,are they easy to take care? tanks guys


I have one in my 150. They are an awesome fish with lots of personality. Eats every type of food I use, absolutely destroys seaweed sheets. Mine is around 5 inches and swims constantly. It should work in your tank but it really depends on the tanks footprint. What are your tanks dimensions?


Yes, it'll be fine in your tank. They are great fish, probably my favorite fish that I have. A little shy at first but after a few weeks it's really outgoing and personable. Eats everything I put in the tank and just loves the algae sheets.


my tank is bowfront,its 4 feet long.
tanks for the reply ,i was asking because every foxface i see here(montreal) dont seem in good healt and the color is off!!So i tought maybe it was not hardy at all!!!


They are very hardy fish and pretty resistent to parasites and other diseases. They will change color when stressed or afraid, so maybe that's what you're seeing at your LFS.


They are great fish with lots of personality. I have mine in a 75gallon and he is very happy. I have heard that they nip at corals though, i don't have any in my tank so i'm not sure i think it just depends on the fish's personality. They will eat anything you put in there and mine will eat alge sheets out of my hand. If he starts to fade all of the time that usually means that they aren't getting enough greens. Just increase the alge sheets and try some frozen foods with alge in it and it'll be bright yellow within a few days.They get along with any fish it seems i have heard them to be territorrial but mines not at all. I would reccomend this fish to anyone


I just love mine. I got him when he was about 2 inches and now he is about 6 inches. The biggest(for now) fish in the tank but very peaceful to all other tankmates. My daughter and wife love him camouflaged coloring and wish he would stay that way more. He usually only does it when the lights first go on or off or if he gets scared. i would totally recommend this fish.