For Trade or For Free GBTA


Active Member
Hey there all I have a beautiful GBTA that has been in my tank for about a year now. It is very very healthy but I want more corals and to not have the worry of them getting stung. If you want this BTA it is free to a good home if you either Pick it up or tell me how to ship it. I will follow any instructions on shipping to the T but can't really guaruntee anything. A trade of ANY kind is welcome but not necessary. When fully open it is about 7 inches across...ish.

P.S. Due to my love of this nem you MUST have the proper lighting to get this.


Active Member
No splitting since the last time like eh 3 months ago but it started to move today
and I don't want everything to get zapped.


Active Member
Right now the BTA is spoken for. If it does fall through I will move down the line thanks for everyones interest!!!!!