? for Von_Rahvin


Active Member
Von_Rahvin I read in one of your post that you have 2 400 watt metal halide lights. I was wondering in you have a lot of problems with heat and what size is your tank.


i custom build everything for my tank. being in college i have more time than money. for lighting i have 2 400 watt mh and 2 160 act VHOs. i have a total of 11 fans running onmmy tank. I build computers for a job/ hobby so i used 80 mm case fans for my hood and i have 3 big fans on my sump. my hood is also 16 inches tall. i'll try to find a pic of it. i lose about 4 gallso of water a day but in a 135 it is not all that bad. :) next thought is a chiller and another 400 watt mh. although i don't know if i need it or not. still might be interesting to try.


it runs from 77.5 to 82.1. had a cold snap down here (got to 40 deg this morning!!!!!so when i got up the tank was at 75. turned off the fans. i have the fans timed to come on at set periods. what i need is an aquacontroller. Should have asked for one for christmas. instead i just use timers.