forgot the flash was on, what a difference


Active Member
I don't usually use the flash cause sometimes you can see it in the glass and also it gives it a funny color. I forgot it was on and tried to take a full tank shot. The cool thing is you can see my flame scallop thats been hiding in the cave forever!!
Shot w/o the flash, can't see my scallop

Shot w/ flash (ugly color), but you can see the scallop.(red thing in cave)


Active Member
yup, his name is quigley. He's much bigger than that now, though. Here's a recent picture of him.


Active Member
He's a wallaby, that's as big as he'll get. He might get a little fatter, but that's it. I am deffinately keeping him forever!! He's the sweetest! He loves to jump up in that brown chair and watch movies with me.


Active Member
I live in the USA and I got him from Illinois. My husband got him for me when he got back from Iraq. I'm always getting some kind of critter, and he'd been gone for 14 moths and couldn't say no. Plus, he's so cute, how could you say no to that?


Active Member
I had no idea they were available as pets.
Sorry for all of the questions:
What does he eat?
How much was he?


nice tank. hows the frogspawn/torch get along with your zoos/what ever else that is up there? I just got one and I want to put corals near it, just how near is the question...


Active Member
To answer the frog spawn ? I do have a rock with polyps on it very close (but not touching) and mostly they both do fine. Every now and then I do see one of the polyps closed, but it opens up again, so I don't think it's a big deal.
Quigley eats kangaroo/wallaby chow made by Purina. I also give him hay every day. He also LOVES weat thins and wheat chex. ***) He loves Doritos too, but they make him fart.


Active Member
Oh yea, when Ifirst started looking at the wallaby's most of them were $2,500 for the boys and $3,000 for the girls. I kept researching for about a year and it paid off. I found one farm that sold the males for $600, but they couldn't really answer any onf my questions. It seemed like they just threw a male in with a bunch of females and sold the joey's. So I bought him from a different place and paid $800. It cost $250.00 to ship him. I picked him up at the airport.


Is he housebroken? Can wallabys be trained? Do you keep him crated/caged when you leave, or is he more of a free-range critter? Are they people-pleasers like dogs, or are they more aloof like cats?
(I've never heard of anybody keeping one as a pet, so I am just absolutely fascinated by this!)


Active Member
yup, he's potty trained. I've had him for almost 2 years. The first year he was still a baby and lived indoors. I had a large dog kennel with a quilted cat house in it. During the day I would leave the kennel door open and he was free to roam around the house. He would usually go back in about 9:00am and sleep to 3:00. So I would close the door if I had to go out. He had free roam again from 3:00 till bed time (9;)) pm).
In the house he was just like a dog. He'd come when I call. tries jumping on the couch, lays at yor feet. We have a shepard and a mut and he would rastle with the shepard. He hugs me and kisses like a dog.
I had to move him outdorrs this summer because he got too big. Now he lives in the back yard with my angora rabbit. He comes inside too. He'slike an indoor/outdoor critter.
He's really smart though and knows what he's alowed to do and what "no" means.


Active Member
I'll try tp post a video of him getting his but kicked by the cat. (Fryier Tuck)

not sure it will work, never done it before.