Formia star okay ?


I've just recently bought a formia star (marble) about 3 days ago. When I first introduced it to the aquarium it was on the sandbed. Since the first day it has moved it's way up the glass and for 2 days has stayed at the water surface with 2 or 3 arms floating all the time (but still moving across the water surface). Can anyone let me know if this is normal ?


Active Member
fromia stars are the most beautiful, but the most difficult to keep alive in the home aquarium. some say it's from the poor handling/acclimation methods, some just say they are very touchy.
how long has your tank been up? how did you acclimate it?


when i bought the star it had already been there for about 3 weeks and they told me that it was doing really well.
My tank has been up for about 3 months now, I have a 65g with 75lbs live rock and 40 lbs live sand.
I acclimated the star via the drip method over about 1.5 hours.
I know that it may not be true that the stars cannot be exposed to air, but, both at the shop and at home it never left the water.


Active Member
good luck with it. although i think it has little chance in your aquarium, i hope it does well for you.
as for the behavior, i've seen this before and i cannot explain it. mayeb someone else will chime in that has mpre invert experience.