Forum Rules??


New Member
I've spent then last ten minutes looking for the forum rules. I can't remember reading an agreement when I registered...but I know there are rules.
I know you can not post links to any discount aquarium stores, and I think you get banned for saying anything critical about, but I can't remember where I saw that, and I'd like to read the rules. Can anybody help?


Active Member
Well, welcome to the board even though I disagree with your interpretation of the "rules." :rolleyes:
The "Rules" are basically the terms of use.
This is not a forum like many others...this board is owned and operated by SWF, a store. So they have every right to request that you not direct business elsewhere, just like walking into a local LFS, getting a bunch of info, and then telling the customers there to go to a cheaper store. That is just rude. Not posting links, discussing other stores, being subversive about it (hey email me the store), etc is basically the main rule. It is simple being respectful. That's all.
This is an unusual store in that, instead of just giving a bit of info on some animals, it provides people with the ability to instantly search a wide number of opinions and posts on animals, equipment and other hobby related activities...and encourages people to do so. I admire that, and it is why I like to hang around here. :)
Users who are repeatedly subversive, incite problems, or otherwise can't follow some reasonable rules are banned. :yes:
All in all this is a very friendly board, with lots of people willing to help.

And now, here are the general "rules." Also note there are more specific rules that apply to the trading and classifieds section. You'll see most of these "mythical" and "legendary" rules are standard copyright/legalese stuff except for posting links.
It is highly recommended that you consider 10 different opinions on a topic before coming to any conclusion on any subject covered on this message board. Be careful of following recommendations or advice from people that are using hearsay information as fact. While most people have the best intentions information found on this board should be used only as a guide and opinions should not always be considered fact and recommendations should not always be followed. We encourage you to gather as much information as possible and not to consider anyone an expert unless you know them personally.
Please do not post any links to any websites when using the Message Boards. Please do not refer to other websites or request product information from other members via email. You may lose your membership if you cannot follow these rules.
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Now that that is done, how about some fish questions? :D


New Member
Thank you, Ophiura.
My interpretation was nothing more than a guess based on observation and "scuttlebutt" - and obviously incomplete. You're right, everything in that section you posted seems like common sense and good manners.
I'm not quite sure about what constitutes "subversive", but I'm going to guess that is stuff that is critical of SWF - like the thread making fun of "free" shipping (removed, I guess). In any event, I'm not a problem child wanting to push the envelope. I just wanted to know.
This is a wonderful place, and I'm grateful to be able to participate. I agree with your description. This site if full of smart, generous, folks. It's a great community.
Thank you for your direction.