Forum Rules?

tx reef

Active Member
What are the rules for this forum? Can we now sell livestock and corals without them having to come from a tank we are breaking down?


Active Member
on the board next to the form name it says "A NEW forum to sell or trade livestock. Hobbyists only." which i am guessing means that you can sell your godlike coral frags (thats u reefkprz and tx)


Active Member
Where do you draw the line though? I mean alot of people on here that frag corals frequently but arent businesses. Not to mention the fact that most of the stuff we could frag, this site would never sell anyways.


Active Member
Obviously there will be some discretion here. If we only find people posting in this forum, and they seem to be drumming up business or doing an awful lot of selling of frags, I think the line is drawn.


Active Member
i think frag trading and selling is good but obviously some will try to take advantage of the rules....
id say we watch and just wake sure if someone is trading or selling its from there tank and they are an active member in other parts of the board
i have made frag packs b4 myself all from my personal corals but dont offer them here do to the lack of an exact rule IMO


Active Member
I like trading but sometimes the person who wants what I have doesnt have anything I like the fact that I can now just offer to sell it to them so they dont feel like they are getting left out in the cold because they dont have much yet.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefkprZ
I like trading but sometimes the person who wants what I have doesnt have anything I like the fact that I can now just offer to sell it to them so they dont feel like they are getting left out in the cold because they dont have much yet.
very true. I think has made some really good changes recently. I like the PM option as well. I used to think that there were better forums but stayed here because I prefered the people. It is nice to see this forum taking these steps.


I think we need to make the post Titles common so it is easy to tell what where w
and who.
There is a large photography forum that has a buy,sell or trade section that has had great sucess with this.
WTT - wanted to trade
WTB - wanted to buy
WTS - wanted to sell
Start off threads with this so people know what the poster is doing. Then post state abbreviation so people who where the item will be coming from. then post item name and then description.
ex. ( WTS - IL, Tri-color Ricordia has 2 mouths and green, orange, blue colors )
If all the post are done this way it is much easy to sort thru the threads.
just my .02 cents,