Fossil Shark Found ALIVE!!!!



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Originally Posted by psusocr1
Leave it to man to kill another innocent animal!
The shark was proberly sick, that is why is was at surface and found. They live down deep like 2000 to 4500 feet off the cost of Japan. I am sure they did not want it to die. I wonder how warm or cold it is that deep. This is they only one that I know of found alive. Poor shark nothing is known about them. Even thought the shark died I hope it gave some info on her, so that some where down the line we would help verses watch it die. I am sure that deep they need the presure to survive. How would one make such a tank


Active Member
Yeah, I'm willing to bet that the shark's death was not directly related to humans. It isn't really logical that the shark would be in such shallow waters unless it was seriously disorient or sick in some other way. There is a humoungous (sp?) pressure difference between where it was found and its natural habitat.
I watched the video on youtube though and it was really awesome, I've never seen anything like that.


Active Member
im not saying they took it and killed it on purpose, but they also knew that it was a depp water shark , they knew it robably never saw sunlight let alone hit the air befroe whcih they may or may not have had ot do to capture it etc. etc. etc.