Found at lfs not for people with high blood pressure


This is a item that i found at LFS I talk to him about it and he said I was stupid if I wanted to go with sand said its the worse thing you can do in the long run and yes hes been doing it for twenty + years i could not convince him<his point was that sand builds up waist and if a larger fish burls into the sand that it spreads all the waste into water killing other fish (toxic overload).. not all these terms were used by him kinda in one ear out the other.. sorry poor pict from phone he was not to happy with me could not break out a good camera i dont think he would of liked that haha

sign guy

Active Member
ugf= under graval filter. to be honest he has a point but it sounds like he went to the other extreme


Active Member
Originally Posted by fbm
I cant read what that sign says?
Sign says.....If your tank does'nt (And he called philburt an idiot? Learn how to use apostrophes correctly genius.) have U.G.F. you might want to consider the benefits. I can also tell you ways to make them run more efficiently.


Active Member
Thanks now I can read it

Its amazing how you can read things after you know what it says.


Active Member
his point was that sand builds up waist and if a larger fish burls into the sand that it spreads all the waste into water killing other fish (toxic overload)
I thought that that was the complaint about ugf's.


Philburt, tell him about the wonderfull creatures called detrivores that sift through the sand cleaning the sandbed


Active Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
Philburt, tell him about the wonderfull creatures called detrivores that sift through the sand cleaning the sandbed

An improperly set up sand bed can go bad.
I had a 210 with a 6 inch sand bed. After almost 2 years moved the tank to my house. Moved sand. Ammonia, Nitrite stayed 0. Slight bump in nitrate (though I suspect this was from some death on live rock).
A properly set up and maintained sand bed works. If the LFS owner refuses to pick up a book and read occasionally to educate himself I suggest movig on to a different store. Or, even more fun, walk over to the books he sells and start pointing out how the newer ones all address sand beds.


Active Member
Hey! Do it my way or you will fail!
Buy this do hickey and your tank will do great! Or don't buy it and your fish will DIE!
If you add 5-6 drops of Jones Snake Oil to you tank every day your tank will look great, you fish will smile and your biggest problem will be who to give all those coral frags to when they grow so fast that they don't fit in the tank any more.
Jones Snake Oil Get it now!
A product of Slippery Sales inc.

mandarin w

Originally Posted by ninjamini
Hey! Do it my way or you will fail!
Buy this do hickey and your tank will do great! Or don't buy it and your fish will DIE!
If you add 5-6 drops of Jones Snake Oil to you tank every day your tank will look great, you fish will smile and your biggest problem will be who to give all those coral frags to when they grow so fast that they don't fit in the tank any more.
Jones Snake Oil Get it now!
A product of Slippery Sales inc.
My question is will it keep the fishes teeth healthy, I have such a hard time brushing their little teeth after meals.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mandarin w
My question is will it keep the fishes teeth healthy, I have such a hard time brushing their little teeth after meals.

It keeps there teeth white!
PH stays stable
It helps with cancer.
Nitrate levels should fall.
It cures gout.
It will help maintain calcium.
It fixes arthritis.
It even helps curb midnight hunger.
It will make you fish want to sing and dance.
Jones Snake Oil Get it now!
A product of Slippery Sales inc.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ninjamini
Hey! Do it my way or you will fail!
Buy this do hickey and your tank will do great! Or don't buy it and your fish will DIE!
If you add 5-6 drops of Jones Snake Oil to you tank every day your tank will look great, you fish will smile and your biggest problem will be who to give all those coral frags to when they grow so fast that they don't fit in the tank any more.
Jones Snake Oil Get it now!
A product of Slippery Sales inc.
(I had tears with this one.)


Originally Posted by ninjamini
It keeps there teeth white!
PH stays stable
It helps with cancer.
Nitrate levels should fall.
It cures gout.
It will help maintain calcium.
It fixes arthritis.
It even helps curb midnight hunger.
It will make you fish want to sing and dance.
Jones Snake Oil Get it now!
A product of Slippery Sales inc.

Just like mandarin said, when you have Jones Snake Oil, why have a tank?


Active Member
Come on folks, he also scrawled this on a index card. The most high tech is the different fancy fonts - the block letters in red and the script. The card has lines, and he didn't follow them. I have no idea how "efficiently" is spelled :notsure:
Not to rag on him, but he screams "out of touch"