Found my eel


Oh,yes! There aren't any areas open enough for him to get out (or so I thought). That's why I was surprised he got out


I have a snowflake that I have had to retrieve from the bottom of the overflows twice now. Good thing there is plenty of water in them. I have read that they are pretty good at finding small openings in the top, so they can go carpet diving. Sorry to hear he found an opening in your tank.


How long was he out. I have read instances with them being out almost 6 hour and still making it. They build a muckas layer and almost go into a hibernation mode to stay alive.


Well let me put it this way: He was like beef jerky so he had been out a while. Man I feel terrible about this!


To quote our worst president ever, "I feel your pain." I lost mine in three days. I have a 58 with an octopus that is sealed very well and he still found an opening! I am going to put the black rubber mesh that goes around dls filter floss over all my overflow tubes and try again.


Uel, I saw a program on the learning channel I believe it was about public aquariums somewhat recently and there was soething in there about the keeping of octupi. Public aquariums put get this, ASTROTURF around the top of the tanks. Oddly enough, its the only solid thing that octupi absolutely cannot get a grip on. Looks pretty weird, but the public neverr really saw the tops of the tanks. I'm not too sure if it would be feasible in a home aquarium, but who knows?


Active Member
sorry to ear abou tyour loss hattrick, eels are one of the coolest animals out there. at the lfs that i used to work at they had a zebra moray who was the kindest gentlest littel guy ever. you could even feed him by hand. all the little kids loved this!
good luck


Greg, the mesh works the same way. They can't stand to get pricked by it and will move on.