found something in my tank


New Member
First off hello im John first time poster
ok so today i was removing CC to put sand and LS and i found a creature that looked like
a worm when i picked it up and looked closer it looked like a centerpied anyone heave an idea what it might be .............oh yeah i dropped it back in.
thanks in advance


Active Member
Originally Posted by mazerat
sorry no pic so im guessing it wont harm anything?
well id say if it hasnt eaten anything yet (there are few species that will) im guessing that it is just a scavenger.


I found a wonderful thread here it's usually at the top of the New Hobbyists messages. It's called Hitch Hiker Identies (or something really similar) There are pictures of many of the creatures. The worm you are describing could be there. You might give it a try!