Found this!


Now that is amazing. Looks like when I went snorkling in Aruba! Something like that would have to have a small squid or octo. (Just have to make sure it is fed well).


Active Member

Originally Posted by don1234
Now that is amazing. Looks like when I went snorkling in Aruba! Something like that would have to have a small squid or octo. (Just have to make sure it is fed well).
That tank is one, if not my favorite for two reasons. The angelfish he has in there (Clarion, BlueLine, etc), but this; check out the fish under the big Naso on the right
side. Scarus quoyi


What I really want is a tank that I have to get into scuba gear to feed the inhabitants. If anybody has a job doing that anywhere, I will take it, even at minimum wage, and I can do your accounting on the side.


Active Member
Originally Posted by YearOfTheNick
I might try to do this with a 40g breeder... do you think it would work?
Not seeing the concern at hand. The bit of rock being out of the water?
No a wouldn't put a big Sailfin tang like that, in that small of tank

Originally Posted by Fibinotchi

What would you do when the mangrove outgrow the tank? Wouldn't it wreak havoc trying to pull them out?
Yea, would have to 'recycle' the mangroves, change them out before they grow too big.