Found Turtle, What to do?


Active Member
I live in North Carolina and today we found a little turtle in the woods. Well of course my sister wants to keep it. So what do we feed it? I dont know what kind it is but is is brown with a small line of yellow dots down the middle of his shell. What do baby box turtles look like? Ill try to get a pic of it later. Right now we have it in an old 10 gallon tank with water and some rocks. Thanks!


Active Member
If it is a baby box turtle it does not live in the water. You should have a dry tank with a small bowl of water for it to drink from. Box turtles have very dome shaped shells while water turtles are more flat. Do not put it in a tank with water......
A little public service announcement...


Active Member
The best thing to feed them is a a bag of mixed greens from the grocery store as well as any type of fruit. They love strawberries, blueberries, cantalope, but you have to have spinach in your mixed greens. Good luck


Active Member
thanx. i dont think its a box turtle because it is a more flatish shell. im going to try and get a pic


Active Member
i live in south carolina and we rescue the turtles from the road all the time and sometimes take'em home and put um in our backyard. my best experience has alway been when they have had a tank with some water to swim in. But if you didnt want a large container dedicated to a pool for him then the turtle will need a low lying dish IMO.


Active Member
Ok- Turtles are cool and cute and fun to keep and all, but please Please PLEASE make sure you wash your hands ==THOROUGHLY== After handling the turtle as well as ANYTHING the turtle may have come in contact with.
Turtles, especially the little guys, are carriers for salmonella :eek:
They were banned in Pennsylvania for a while, 'till they realized that all u needed to do was be sanitary :rolleyes:
Just make sure you wash up - the bateria is shed in their droppings if they're stressed, so best not to handle him too much 'till hes nice and acclimated.
Oh, and the dark green leafy veggies and fruits are great foods - but make sure u find out what species it is, 'cuz some are omnivores and need animal protein.
Other than that - have fun, and long life to your new friend! :happy:


if it's a water turtle .. and it's not 4" it's illegal to have them .. but many people have them,because when they mature it's not fun anymore .. feed him pellets. they will eat small fish and need a a basking area.


My brother has a red eared slider that he has had now for 25 years. He got it when he was 5 and named what he thought to be a male turle Baraccass after Mr T in the A team
Baracass is a female and lives in a 75 gallon tank now - eats pellets and lettuce and now grapes occassionally. keep in mind the shape of the shell will not only tell you the species but also the --- within that species.
Turtles are gool mostly care free pets - but you do have to be very careful after handling and as stated make sure you wash your hands well.


You "found" it,or was it going about its life looking for somthing to eat?
Please take it back were you found it and let it live its life,alot of pple take in "abandoned" baby deer when in reality its just hiding and waiting for its mom.Are you sure its not a local species that naturally lives there?Dont want to sound mean or rude,but just make sure it is not a wild animals that is meant to live in the wild. :happy: :happy:


Active Member
Originally Posted by Ferry_007
You "found" it,or was it going about its life looking for somthing to eat?
Please take it back were you found it and let it live its life,alot of pple take in "abandoned" baby deer when in reality its just hiding and waiting for its mom.Are you sure its not a local species that naturally lives there?Dont want to sound mean or rude,but just make sure it is not a wild animals that is meant to live in the wild. :happy: :happy:

oh COME ON! its just a turtle. there are 1000's around here. there have been countless times when we would find one on the road and take it back to the woods. and for goodness sakes, we let it go that same day we found it.
but for everyone else, thanks for the info!


Active Member
Hey ferry while your at it remove everything from your tank and return it to the ocean. Including the rocks, since there are live animals living in your rock you should return it to the wild. I mean what if someone took you out of your house.? LOL
As long as people take care of their pets, and give them a healthy environment to live I dont see the problem here. I guess Dennis Leary was right when he said. Oh your a cute little dolphin. Your free to go, Oh and you, your a cow, get on the f'ing truck your a hamburger. Move along move along.


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:notsure: :notsure: :notsure: :notsure: :notsure: :notsure: :notsure: :notsure: :notsure: :notsure