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for information on fish that I wanted to added my tank and all I have to say is wow, what a wealth of information you all are. I was considering adding a fu manchu (twinspot) lion to my tank, but from what I've read here that really might not be a very good option at all. Currently I have:
Clown Trigger
Humu Picasso Trigger
Rainbow Wrasse
Snowflake Eel
Red General Sea Star
Chocolate Chip Sea Star
V Tail Grouper
2 Domino Damsels
2 Blue Damsels
Condy Anemone (weird addition I know but he was actually the first addition to my tank....neighbor was going to flush it if he couldn't find a home for it :( so I took it in before I had even decided which way I was going with my tank. Oddly enough, months later no one even looks twice in his direction other than the dominoes who have oddly enough hosted with him.)
I have enough room for about 4 more fish (assuming there max growth size will be 10-12" each), although I'd prefer only 1 or 2 more interesting fish. Since the fu Manchu lion appears to not be a good addition, I was hoping you all may be able to recommend a few good options I could check into. Thanks!!


No matter the tank size, FuManChus are the most difficult lions to keep in captivity. I've never seen anyone keep one for very long, they end up dying unfortunately. Best left in the ocean if you ask me.


Originally Posted by sean48183
What size tank?
240 gallon - also have a 60 that just finished cycling and I'm trying to decide now If I'm going to go with another "fish" tank or if I want to try my hand at corals/reef tank with that one. I also have a 50 bowfront that I just cleaned up and am going to start setting up to cycle soon....I'm kind of leaning towards using that for a reef tank and maybe finding one really cool fish that's more of a "loner" type to showcase in the 60 gallon. I'd love any suggestions on that as well!
My LFS was trying to sell me on a red volitan lion, but after waiting to research a bit I didn't think it would be a good fit. I fell in love with the idea of the fu manshu because of the smaller size and less threat to tankmates (at least from what I understand). I didn't realize that they weren't all that hardy. Probably not a good fit for me then, as I will readily admit that I'm still a novice when it comes to salt water...not quite a year old in my learning experiences yet.
**Edited to add... that after reading through some of the other posts here it seems like I may need to reserve the spare tank for the clown trigger in the future. Do they really turn nasty after they age? Right now he's got a very passive temperament and he and my picasso are actually "little buddies". They are always side by side traveling around the tank together - never see one without the other.


You might want to keep a little Fuzzy Dwarf Lion instead. They are much hardier and only grow as big as the Fumanchu.
Here's a picture of mine that I've had for about a year now.


Originally Posted by RCreations
You might want to keep a little Fuzzy Dwarf Lion instead. They are much hardier and only grow as big as the Fumanchu.
Here's a picture of mine that I've had for about a year now.

That's a beautiful lion. May I ask what other fish you keep him with? How is he when it comes to feeding time? I'm getting a little concerned now because from what I've been reading it appears that the lion fish are a bit slow when it comes to feeding time. As far as what I currently have in my tank, I really wouldn't worry about him having to compete with anyone but the wrasse. More often than not I have to net the wrasse off to the side at feeding time or no one else in the tank stands a chance at getting anything at all.


I've always had him in a 30gal reef tank. First 6 months he was by himself, so no competition for food at all. Then the last 6 months he's been with a pair of clownfish, again no competition for food. I hand feed him large chunks of fresh and frozen food like raw shrimp, silversides, krill and squid. I basically put the piece of food right in front of his nose, then he just gobbles it up. The clowns know better than to get in the way.
I know what you mean about the wrasse. I have a Lunare Wrasse in my 150gal and this fish is just insanely fast, especially when it comes to feeding. I don't think my little lion would have much of a chance with a fast fish like that.
I agree. I have a Zebra and as soon as I get my larger tank in Januray, and get my reefers out and into the larger tank, I am going to get a fuzzy to place with my Zebra. I actually enjoy these guys more than the large cousins.... The MF Lion, just is not as interesting to me, and the only Store that sells then (on occusion then they appear in the shipments) recommand them for Expert Hobbists because of their difficulty to get them to survive.


Originally Posted by jennln
240 gallon - also have a 60 that just finished cycling and I'm trying to decide now If I'm going to go with another "fish" tank or if I want to try my hand at corals/reef tank with that one. I also have a 50 bowfront that I just cleaned up and am going to start setting up to cycle soon....I'm kind of leaning towards using that for a reef tank and maybe finding one really cool fish that's more of a "loner" type to showcase in the 60 gallon. I'd love any suggestions on that as well!
My LFS was trying to sell me on a red volitan lion, but after waiting to research a bit I didn't think it would be a good fit. I fell in love with the idea of the fu manshu because of the smaller size and less threat to tankmates (at least from what I understand). I didn't realize that they weren't all that hardy. Probably not a good fit for me then, as I will readily admit that I'm still a novice when it comes to salt water...not quite a year old in my learning experiences yet.
**Edited to add... that after reading through some of the other posts here it seems like I may need to reserve the spare tank for the clown trigger in the future. Do they really turn nasty after they age? Right now he's got a very passive temperament and he and my picasso are actually "little buddies". They are always side by side traveling around the tank together - never see one without the other.
Being here a while and reading many personal accounts of those who keep triggers for a while, it is pretty much a consensus that clowns eventually need their own tank. I think a better option for you would be an Undulate Trigger. They don't grow as big and you may be able to keep him in one of your smaller tanks long term. If you look into them, know that there is a more colorful species (I think from the red sea?) similar to Aussi and Indy tusks.
Welcome to the board :)