
lord fu fu

ok so i curently have a 30 gallon reef but i am gonna have a 29g biocube to put my reef stuff in (hopefully they will finally ship it today) and i am interested in making my 30g a FOWLER and was wondering if anyone had any fish sugestions for it...right now i have a maroon clown that i plan to keep in there and am hoping to get an orange spotted file fish...and hopefully i iwll have plenty of money since my boar (male pig) is currently the maryland state champion pig and i will be going soon to an international show with him!!

small triggers

Active Member
puffers get to big for your tank, even for a short time. With the maroon clown (which will also get to big for your tank if it turns female), I would go with a Toby (a type of puffer) maybe a hawkfish or one other small aggerssive fish. You are going to be very limited as that is a small tank...Also what is your filtration? And i agree with not getting the filefish, they have a dismal captive lifespan unless you are lucky enough to get a captive bred one.

lord fu fu

i have a 70 gallon protein skimmer and a hang on the back filter and like 40-50lbs of live rock and about 20-20 lbs of live sand and i am still taking suggestions all!!!


Dog face puffer will get way to big for your tank.
mine is allready 6 inches and still growing.
There are several different kinds of fish that would be great for your tank.
I personaly love the green chromis.