FOWLR Lighting Upgrade


Active Member
I've got a 125 FOWLR (Tangs,Lionfish,Wrasse,Shark,) no coral...
I had 4x40watt NO Lights on it.(2xblue triphospher,1x03actinic,and1xaquasun9750k)...160watt Total
I just picked up a Smartlight PC 2x96watt 50/50 10000k/actinic...and it is MUCH brighter than the old light...192 watt total
I only had it on for 4 hrs yesterday (I used to run 10) and the fish "seemed" a little stressed by the light. Shark stayed in the rocks till the lights went out and the tangs stayed pretty much in the "caves" only popping out occasionaly to eat.
Today I ran them 6hrs the tangs were a little more active but still pretty much in the caves and I did see the shark before lights out but he also stayed "in the shade"
I'm figuring on adding an hr. a day till we're back to 10 or so and I'm hopping the fish will get used to the light and be as active and "up front" as they used to be...
Especially the shark he used to stay out all day and be active.
Everyones eating well, water params still good 0,0,<5,8.3,etc. and I haven't seen any algea problems yet but the lights haven't been running that long.
I didn't think 32 watts would make that much difference...especially since 1/2 of it's actinic. But it sure does look nice. :)


Active Member
Sounds like you're doing everything right. They should be fine. I too would love to see a pic. Do you have a before and after. I'm lighting my 125 with 3x40, 2x30, 1x18 all NO and although it's "ok" I think I'd like more light. Just looks "dull" next to a reef tank. Be curious if you see more/less algea growth with the PCs vice the NOs.


Active Member
My main motavation for changing lights was one of the dual balasts on the old system was starting to fade out...
So this is a picture from awhile back with the old lights...
Actually back when I first set up...


Active Member
And this is with the new 2x96watt PC 50/50 smartlamps...
It looks/seems brighter in real life and certainly much lighter than the pictures show??:confused:
I'll try one in the daylight tomorrow that'sthe only difference I can find in the pictures...unless my cameras messed up??