FOWLR or Reef??


I was originally planning on going FOWLR in my 46 Gal Bowfront (first SW Tank) and I think have a good start at that with 80 lbs LR, 50 lbs Live Sand... a Cleaning Crew, Blue/Green Chromis' and 2 O.Clowns. My tank has been up and running now for going on 2 months (fairly short cycle with Cured LR) and so far (except for one little clown that didn't want to eat) things have been really good.
After seeing all of the cool pics of Corals, Zoo's, Anemones, etc on here I'm thinking that I would like to try some of that down the road also... I know many of these things take a more mature tank, and I don't want to rush into anything, but I wanted to see if what I have as far as equipment would even work for some of this stuff...
I didn't get the MH lights for this tank and just got the 36" Coralife Lunar Aqualight (PC - 2x96w, 10000K and Actinic). It comes out to about 4.17 W/Gal, and I've seen people recommend 4-6 for many things. I know this isnt' really enough light for many corals, but what types of things might I be able to start "thinking" about that this would work with? I don't really want to upgrade lights, at least not yet, and probably not at all on this smallish, "starter" tank.
Thanks for the Advice!


Originally Posted by wax32
Most things would be ok except "SPS" corals (like Acropora), and anemones.
Really, no Anemones??? I was hoping that I might be able to get one for my Clowns at some point... may make me rethink my lighting choices... I might be able to sell the fairly new 36" Lunar Aqualight and get a MH light instead.... hmmmmm.... <Opens Wallet, Pull All Money Out and hands it to Aquarium Hobby


clowns might not even host anemone anyway....just somthin to think about

but if you really wanted an anemone a light upgrade would be better even though some live under less light.....the upgrade would be protecting your investment of an anemone.