Hey guys this is my first post on the boards i have been into the hobby for about 5 yrs. i have always had a reef tank setup with soft corals and LPS"i only have power compacts". i have a drilled 90 gallon with 20 gallons underneath. I have 90 pounds of LR in the tank and 120 lbs of live sand. I am looking to setup a nasty predator tank instead. i was in my LPS and they can get 5-6 inch guinea fowl puffers and will sell them to me for around $50." i used to work there and always get a deal but thats CHEAP!" so i had them order one up for me. i want to put him, a banana wrasse, and a small trigger either a picasso or MAYBE an undulated if i want to try something really nasty. if possible i wouldnt mind a zebra eel or golden tail . its all in the air but i am going to re-do all of my rocks and stuff to give off the most swimming space. ANY suggestions would be appreciated as i am new to the predator area to this extent.