FOWLR suggestions?


Hey guys this is my first post on the boards i have been into the hobby for about 5 yrs. i have always had a reef tank setup with soft corals and LPS"i only have power compacts". i have a drilled 90 gallon with 20 gallons underneath. I have 90 pounds of LR in the tank and 120 lbs of live sand. I am looking to setup a nasty predator tank instead. i was in my LPS and they can get 5-6 inch guinea fowl puffers and will sell them to me for around $50." i used to work there and always get a deal but thats CHEAP!" so i had them order one up for me. i want to put him, a banana wrasse, and a small trigger either a picasso or MAYBE an undulated if i want to try something really nasty. if possible i wouldnt mind a zebra eel or golden tail . its all in the air but i am going to re-do all of my rocks and stuff to give off the most swimming space. ANY suggestions would be appreciated as i am new to the predator area to this extent.


Active Member
Welcome to the Addiction of the FOWLR!!!
First off, that is a great price on the puffer. The bad news is that they get HUGE! I would say in less than 2 years you will need a 200+ tank for that bad boy.
I think that your wrasse would be a great addition. KJR just put one in his new 240 and it is awesome! They are very active and swim a lot in the water column.
As for the trigger, you could go with a smaller Ungulated trigger. I have seen them work out fine in aggressive tanks with larger fish, but you never know with these bad boys. They do have a very nasty disposition and tend to go nuts for no reason. They are beautiful, but that does come with a price usually.
IMO, I would go with a zebra. I have a special place in my heart for them because of their color and personality.
Be prepared for a large upgrade, but you should be ok for a little while. Also, make sure that you have a good skimmer.


I personally would not do the undulated. Like Ccampbell said, it can be done, but I would not take the chance.
I love the Banana wrasse(my avitar lol) I have never owned one but would like to some day.
For a Trigger, I would go with a Bluethroat. They are not really aggressive but BEAUTIFUL fish.


thanks for the advice. when i worked at this store we had a banana wrasse sold and reutrned without a refund 4 times. they can be nasty! haha it died eventually when a kid there went to feed it and tired to "pop" a cube of food out of the squares they come with and a piece of foil went in with it and thats all it ate. it suffered for 3 weeks..poor fish . large female absolutely beautiful fish. anyways, for my tank size i am planning on upgrading in absolutely no later then a year, i was just recently layed off" was planning on doing a 240 gallon like NOW" but that price on the puffer i couldnt say no becuase i think its honestly a mistake and wont last for long. they had one in a few weeks ago for one of the tanks they take care of and it was listed at that price. if i do get an undulated it will be a small one like 2 inches or so.the blue throats are pretty nice and if i go to a predator tank i want it to be a MEAN tank? is that wrong of me? haha. i really like the zebra eels also so i think that is a go.what i really wanted to do from the get go is my puffer, the wrasse"which was a debate between banana or red coris", and the trigger, and the eel. hoping that wouldnt be TO over going to take all of my live rock down and make a few caves i think, and then one long arch. leave a few pieces un bonded for the trigger to play with. does this seem alright? no offense taken if its not. thanks again


well guys i decided today. i know someone had mentioned a blue throat trigger but they are a little to common for me. i dont want my tank to be a deathtrap for everything in it so i am NOT buying an undulate trigger. i made a call and will have a nice 4-5 sargassum trigger within 2-3 weeks. so it will be him, a hawaiin banana wrasse of 5-6 inches, my zebra moray and a guinea fowl puffer. thanks for the advice everyone.


Active Member
Just so you know, there is no such thing as a true predator tank without an eel. I love the banana moray but it's a bit pricy. Morays are great because they can generally can hold their own against anything. If you avoid the aggressive triggers then a lion is a nice piece to an aggressive tank. But I'd avoid a volitan with a 90.


yeah an eel was a defanite for me, i am kindave teetering back and forth on the white ribbon eel and a zebra eel..more for the zebra i think. i am getting a wrasse for sure and its kinda going back and forth also between a banana and red coris wrasse. and of course so is the puffer , my tank isnt big enough to hold a large puffer it will work but its not nice to the fish, so im doing my research to see if a honeycomb or other small puffer will survive with the other mates. i dont want to have everyone be huge.