FOWLR Tank Can I add algae?


New Member
I was wondering if I could add anything green to my tank. I would like some type of algae or plant. And I don't mean in the refugeum. I mean in the tank. :) Can I put Udotea flabellum in my tank? I saw it on another post


Well-Known Member
Not sure about the specific you mentioned but you can add macros to fowlr tanks. But you may have to protect some macros (like caulperas) from the fish as the fish will eat it.
Although it is a refugium, I partition my tank so the back 3" is a macro area and the space in front is a fish, coral, rocks area. At least it is not a seperate container with sump and all that.
my .02


Active Member
also depends on your lights. Some macros need stronger lights. There are some very nice green and red macros.


I have chaeto and a shaving brush in my tank. Only for about a week. to be honest the fish and corals draw the eye a lot more than the green. IMO they look natural with the rock and various types of life. Plus the help with the water quality. I have 2 clowns a blue hippo and a green wrasse, 70 nas snails, some peppermint and CBS and some emerald crabs. No one bothers any of it. Oh im running 260w of pcs in a 55.