FOWLR tanks


Active Member
I really enjoy looking at all the reef tanks, but I would love to see pictures of FOWLR tanks. Please also let me know what kinds of things you have living in there too.


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My 240 FOWLR. I have porc puffer, lunare wrasse, huma trigger, blue throat trigger, foxface, fiji damsel, hippo tang, yellow tang, whitecheek tang, and snowflake eel.


Active Member
I would love to have a tank that size...but I think I would have to take out a bed or the dining room table to fit it in my house. :D


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Here's my other 240. Still in the works. So far I have a Naso Tang, Flame Angel, Yellow Watchman Goby, and a Mandarin.


Active Member
stacyt; that's going to be awesom when done. I'm definitely doing a built in when I build my house in a couple of years. Keep good notes so you can help;)


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No problem with notes. I spent about 10 months planning, and building, this tank. I still have a little work to do, but I should be finished in the next couple of months.


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Thanks for the compliments. I'll post more pics when the tank is completed, and fully stocked.


Active Member
In my aggressive setup I lost count of the LR. I figure close to 350 lbs. I have a 55 gallon sump/refugium underneath the tank that I filled will all the smaller peices. I used about 200 lbs. of LS in the display, and about 100 lbs. in the fuge.
In my other 240 I used 160 lbs. of LS in the display, and the 55 gallon fuge will have about 200 lbs. of LS. I think I have about 200 lbs. or so of LR in the display. I'll probably add another 50 lbs. to the fuge.