FOWLR to Reef conversion


Current FOWLR tank:

  • 70GAL bow front

  • Stock-2x34" 39w T5s

  • Fluval 305 canister

  • 50 lbs of LR

  • 1" of LS

  • 2 yellow tail damsels

  • 2 ocellaris clowns

  • 1 humu trigger

  • 1 cream angel

  • 1 yellow lined sweetlips

  • 4 scarlet hermit crabs
    Future Reef tank:
    70GAL bow front
    Nova Extreme-4x48" 54w T5HO
    Fluval 305 canister
    AquaC Remora Pro HOB skimmer
    70 lbs of LR (adding 20lbs)
    how deep of sand bed?
    2 yellow tail damsels

    2 ocellaris clowns
    a couple new fish.....
    more inverts(now that i won't have my trigger)
This is my plan for the next couple months, any opinions would be greatly appreciated . Am I on the right track? Missing anything?


Active Member
I'm answering you mainly to bump your thread so more experienced folk will see and respond, but if it were me, I would:
-Ditch the canister (or repurpose it) and get some kind of refugium; HOB, sump, in tank or other
-Go with a 6 lamp T5 instead of a 4 lamp. Even though you say you only want softies, "the bug" may get you and you may kick yourself for not having sufficient lighting. Go ahead and get better lighting now.
-Good idea on adding more rock, aquascape it so it will be pleasing to look at and give many coral placement options from lower light to higher light
-I would go ~2" on the SB, but others should chime in, you may get many differing opinions, including BB
You don't mention what your plans are for flow. Go ahead and plan for having a crap load of flow in anticipation of that bug getting a hold of you.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Frankness http:///t/390890/fowlr-to-reef-conversion#post_3463779
Current FOWLR tank:

  • 70GAL bow front

  • Stock-2x34" 39w T5s

  • Fluval 305 canister

  • 50 lbs of LR

  • 1" of LS

  • 2 yellow tail damsels

  • 2 ocellaris clowns

  • 1 humu trigger

  • 1 cream angel

  • 1 yellow lined sweetlips

  • 4 scarlet hermit crabs
    Future Reef tank:
    70GAL bow front
    Nova Extreme-4x48" 54w T5HO
    Fluval 305 canister
    AquaC Remora Pro HOB skimmer
    70 lbs of LR (adding 20lbs)
    how deep of sand bed?
    2 yellow tail damsels

  • 2 ocellaris clowns
    a couple new fish.....
    more inverts(now that i won't have my trigger)
This is my plan for the next couple months, any opinions would be greatly appreciated . Am I on the right track? Missing anything?
My only advice...dump the damsels. They are so mean it will be hard to find reef safe fish that can be housed safely with them in a 70g because you can't go with larger fish. Since a reef tank means you have your hands in the tank putzing with corals, these little devils grow up and bite you drawing blood.
I don't think I would keep the cream angelfish either...the color is dull, too aggressive and will be hard to find tank mates...besides being iffy on reef safe. Nor would I keep the sweetlips, they need a 150g or larger tank when mature, and in a reef you will have to break down the entire rock work that will most likely be overgrown with coral by then, to remove the fish to bigger digs. Get fish that do not need to be transplanted as they grow.
I like the bright colors found only in SW fish, so in a 70g, besides a variety of corals, I would keep
1 dwarf angel
1 Foxface rabbit fish
1 Dottyback or royal Gramma
Lawnmower blenny (AKA... Mr. Personality)
Tons of snails, a few serpent stars. and fan worms.


Was thinking of removing my canister its plumbed through the bottom of my tank so it cant be totally removed without draining the tank(or making a complete mess). I suppose I could just not use it and leave it hooked up for now? I have three large power heads that i didnt list. As for adding sand, since my tank is all ready established how should I go about doing this? LS or regular sand? Oh yea and repurpose it like add different media or use it as a power head?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Flower http:///t/390890/fowlr-to-reef-conversion#post_3463859
My only advice...dump the damsels. They are so mean it will be hard to find reef safe fish that can be housed safely with them in a 70g because you can't go with larger fish. Since a reef tank means you have your hands in the tank putzing with corals, these little devils grow up and bite you drawing blood.
The dark side of the force is strong with this one...such hate, such anger....

Some day I am going to build a small softie tank and stock it with only damsels. What you say is true, but I love those little guys.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Slice http:///t/390890/fowlr-to-reef-conversion#post_3463873
The dark side of the force is strong with this one...such hate, such anger....

Some day I am going to build a small softie tank and stock it with only damsels. What you say is true, but I love those little guys.
I know...they are so beautiful. If they were not so dang mean...I would load a bunch in my tank too.


Almost there! ive added

  • 20 lbs of live rock (up to 70 lbs now)

  • 20 more lbs of sand

  • Reef octopus bh 1000 hob skimmer

  • 2 korilia 750s and 1 korilia 1400

  • RO DI unit

  • 1 royal gramma

  • 1 fire shrimp
    5 mexican turbos
    I removed
    1 humu trigger
    1 cream angel
    2 yellow tail damsels (that was fun
    1 yellow lined sweetlips
    and finally beat cyano and green hair algae
Up next is my 48" nova extreme pro then I hope to be adding some corals!