
doug mc

New Member
Hello all.This forum rocks! with info for the newbie. I have a question. I am seting up a SW tank and I want to stay away from reef for now, as a beginner. I like the idea of reef so i would like to try a little Live Rock in my tank. By doing soo, Does it limit what types of fish I can put in my tank. Like puffers or triggers? Will they eat whatever critters form on the live rock? How do you benifit from LR? If I like Puffers and such, can I keep crabs or any other critters? Or if I like crabs and such, do I need to go with a non aggresive setup? Wish they all could just get along! :) Thanks for any info. Very appreciated


Well, if you want trigger fish you can forget invertebrates (snails, crabs, shrimp etc). With LR all good kinds of critters and bacteria will be introduced to your tank. It is a nice way to speed up your cycling (plus it looks good in your tank). LR laso has a large amount of (purple) coralline algae. These give it the "reef" look. However, if you don't keep your water parameters right (esp. calcium levels), the coralline algae will die and turn white (much less beautiful). In general referring to critters, all kinds of little animals are meant. Small pods, worms, small snaisl etc etc. The triggers won't bother these critters simply b/c they are too small.
If you just go with LRFO (Live Rock with Fish Only), there is virtually no limitation as far as fish goes (though I am careful here b/c no doubt there will be a few fish that require reef conditions). Just make sure that the fish themselves are compatible (i.o.w. that they don't eat each other). I hav eread that triggers and puffers go well together as long as the trigger is not much bigger than the puffer.
Good luck


I had a buddy that had a trigger and it was always picking at the LR and blowing what looked like rock fragments out. Has anyone else found them to hert the LR?


Even my clowns do that. I guess they are just searching for food. Though, my fish blow more than they bite. I can imagine the trigger will occasionally sharpen its teeth...
Triggers and puffers are not invert safe.
FOWLR is fine for aggressive setups. The LR will aid in biological filtration (bacteria growth). Triggers and puffers produce a lot of waste, the LR will aid in the filtration. However, anything growing on the LR might be at risk (critters I mean).
What size tank? Triggers and puffers get quite less than a 55 would be recommended.
What else ya got?

doug mc

New Member
I am looking into atleast a 100 gal tank.Been saving for SW for a while. It just seems that whoever i talk to is telling me to figure out what type of fish I want to keep before purchasing. That seems to be tough for me as I research into what fish are ok with others :) I realy like alot of the more aggresive fish but I gotta have an arrowhead crab hahaha. Dont know why.If i sacrafice and set up with LR and get some of the little critters I like what are some of the cooler fish I can go with that wont eat my critters? For example I like Gobies but I have been told they need reef conditions. I like Puffers but they eliminate little critters like crabs. Horses seem to be in a class by themselves. I guess its just the way it goes with SW huh? Just trying to find a happy group of fish that are cool. Thanks again all....soo much

doug mc

New Member
Ok sounds like a plan Thanks soo much!! Im gonna go with a non aggressive hehe. Tell me something, I read a long tank is better than a square for fish only. Is this true or would it be ok for me to go with a 140gal. 24x48x26 ? Or if im gonna go with a 140 should i get a long tank? I was told the wet and dry system is good,with the bio-balls? Does this system need to have hole drilled in tank?Should i go with Live sand? Thanks again you all are great!


Active Member
If you're planning on going FOWLR, and are looking at a tank of that size, I would rather go w/ a 150gal (72"L x 18"D x 28"Tall) or a 180 gal (72"L x 24"D x 24"Tall). These tanks would give your fish more room to swim. HTH