FOX Coral Not Opening


New Member
I have had a fox coral for about 4 weeks. At the LFS it was rather robust and very healthy looking with no tissue recession. I originally placed it high in the tank with moderate current. It did not open at all. I then moved it about 2 weeks ago to about midway in the tank and lower current and it seems to be doing better but still is not opening very much at all. It looks as though it wants to open and trys but in the end it does not get all big a fluffy like it was.
From the research I have found in books, the internet and here Fox Corals like moderate light and light flow. Is this correct? What has been your experience?
Parameters are all pretty good:
Am: zero
nirtrite: zero
nitrate: less than .03, usually undetectable
PH 8.4
phosphate: zero
calcium is great
dkh is great
I use RO water
Skimmer & emperor 400 filtration
over 100 pounds of live rock
4 power heads with very good water circulation on a wave timer
Lighting is PC 260W 10, 000 K and 48W Actinic, moon lighting at night
Lights are on for 14 hours a day
79 degree water temp
Feed with DT Plankton & Coral Plankton
Also in tank with Fox Coral and thriving~
Green Star Polyps
Tube Anemone
Curly Q Anemone
Pulsing Xenia
Various Mushrooms & Zoos
Torch Coral
Bubble Coral
Cabbage Coral
Candy Cane Coral
Coco Worms & other feather dusters
Wesophyllia Metallic Green Brain
Red Brain
Spaghetti Coral
Pavona Cactus Coral
Everything else has been flourishing for over a year. Can you suggest placement, water movement? Does it just take time for these to open? It stills looks healthy just not huge like it was in the store!
Thanks in advance for your help!:happy: :happy: