Fox Coral question...



Should they face Up? or is sideways in a ledge ok...


hi BillB, i have had mine down in the sand facing up, and it was doing ok, it had been like that for a year. i moved it up middle way on a ledge and turned it sideways and now it is doing great. i can't say for sure if this would work for you, i believe it also has to do with the lighting and the waterflo. fox coral don't require a lot of waterflow but they do require quite a bit of light. i don't know if this will help you, may be there is some one else out there that can help with your question. i am sending you a before and after picture, when it was in the sand and now where i moved it up and on it's side. you will be able to tell a big differance. good luck.


Thanks tonya... I have a piece that doesn't look so good..I think it was abused at the lfs. It's my understanding that they are super fragile and any tissue damage means virtual death..I thought I'd see what I could do with least it will go out in style and care...


yes a fox is very fragile, but in some cases it can be saved, i did the same thing, i got one that was broke in two places. but it is doing alot better. alot of it did die but with good water quality and little waterflo it is coming back. it is small but filling out, i got it about six months ago and it looks good. sending a pic. the picture is not very good but you can still see how it's doing. this pic. was taken with my old camera, my new one is alot better.