Fox coral won't open


I have had a fox coral for about a month. At the store, he was opened up and looked great. I have tried to change position in the tank but to no avail. All water perameters are fine. All other corals (soft) are doing great. The calcium level is fine. Any suggestions?


Well-Known Member

I don't know if anything will help after so long a time...Mine wouldn't open in direct light. It needs light but not burning right on it.
I placed mine under the overflow in my tank so it had a hint of shade...also good water flow but not beating it up, it opened in a day after being shrunk up for a week.


Active Member
Yup. Low flow, low to moderate light, placement towards the bottom of the tank. They really don't like hardly any flow.


Active Member
fox corals need medium lighting and flow at best. too strong a light and flow could be the problem.