Fox Face with bumps

fish lady

I have a fox face that has been happy and healthy for about a year. Then I brought home a unicorn tang and it always picked on the fox face. Just after I brought the tang home the fox face got a bunch of clear blister like bubbles on his side. Now they are flat on his side again but still clear looking. I got rid of the tang right away. It has not spread to any other fish. Does anyone know what it might be?


Active Member
Sounds like the stress markings that tangs get when they are picked on severely. Keep up good water parameters and a nutritious and vitamin-enriched diet and they should go away on their own.


What sized tank is this? Now that the fox is without the tang he should heal just fine as long as he is fed nutritious foods and the water is kept in great conditions.


I had a fox face that got what appeared to be ick. The ick spots were black and the white blister was in the black spot. I assumed it became that way the same way the fox changes when stressed. All the spots fell off he started eating good got fat and healthy looking. I looked at him the next day and he was gasping for air. He died shortly after. I want another one really bad. There a great fish.


Originally Posted by BRIAND7878
I had a fox face that got what appeared to be ick. The ick spots were black and the white blister was in the black spot. I assumed it became that way the same way the fox changes when stressed. All the spots fell off he started eating good got fat and healthy looking. I looked at him the next day and he was gasping for air. He died shortly after. I want another one really bad. There a great fish.
Sounds like you might have had black ich. Or a water quality issue perhaps.

fish lady

Originally Posted by sepulatian
What sized tank is this? Now that the fox is without the tang he should heal just fine as long as he is fed nutritious foods and the water is kept in great conditions.
It is a 90 gallon and I added a new tang it's a scopas tang, and a copperband butterfly and he seems to really like the copperband they are always swimming together and hanging out. The yellow part on his body where the bumps where are now whitish in color and flat. On his fins where they where it is just see threw now.


Originally Posted by fish lady
It is a 90 gallon and I added a new tang it's a scopas tang, and a copperband butterfly and he seems to really like the copperband they are always swimming together and hanging out. The yellow part on his body where the bumps where are now whitish in color and flat. On his fins where they where it is just see threw now.
Did you quarantine these new fish? If not, set up a qt now and get it ready. Tangs and butterflies are the two breeds of fish that are most likely to introduce disease into your tank.

fish lady

Originally Posted by sepulatian
Did you quarantine these new fish? If not, set up a qt now and get it ready. Tangs and butterflies are the two breeds of fish that are most likely to introduce disease into your tank.
No I did not the lfs kept the tang and copperband in a seperate tank for 2 weeks before I picked them up. He always keeps them for me and if they live for two weeks after he gets them I go and pick them up. I have a hippo in there that got along with the unicorn and he never got anything. Do you think I should put the fox face in hospital tank? I do not know for sure what is the right thing to do I read so much saying to quarantine them and then on the other hand as many people saying that getting them used to qt tank and then taking them out to put in main tank is as stressfull and a waste of time and causes more 2 x stress. What is right. I have never qt anything and have had amazing luck. Is it something I should do from now on then? Thanks


Originally Posted by fish lady
No I did not the lfs kept the tang and copperband in a seperate tank for 2 weeks before I picked them up. He always keeps them for me and if they live for two weeks after he gets them I go and pick them up. I have a hippo in there that got along with the unicorn and he never got anything. Do you think I should put the fox face in hospital tank? I do not know for sure what is the right thing to do I read so much saying to quarantine them and then on the other hand as many people saying that getting them used to qt tank and then taking them out to put in main tank is as stressfull and a waste of time and causes more 2 x stress. What is right. I have never qt anything and have had amazing luck. Is it something I should do from now on then? Thanks
A quarantine tank is the best choice you can make for your fish and for your entire system. You quarantine fish so that they can calm down, get used to tank life, start eating well, and most importantly, if they are carrying disease you can treat them without infecting your entire tank. QT's are not stressful at all as long as you set the tank up with artrificial hiding places so your fish feel comfortable. When you are certain that they are disease free (after 3 weeks) then they go into the display.