Fox face

i have a fox face that i just added to my tank abotu 1 1/2 week ago. he is doing fine, eating, and very active. i was just wondering if he will ever get even a single spot on his side. he has a shadow of one on both sides but it is not a "spot". he is about 4 inches in size or so. also how big can they reayy get, my LFS said about 6-7 inches is that right or will he get bigger than that???


a shadow? you know they can change color, right? They can get really a really dark splotchy gray when stressed or when hiding. They almost lose all of their yellow color completely.


That was my first fish ~4 years ago after moving from fresh water to salt. Took very well every movement or sickness; now IT IS 7" long fish and very bold in its behaviour. Beautiful at the sunrise and very dull at sunset.


Foxfaces are a very timid fish and easy to make change color. There are many different species of foxfaces 2 very similar to what you are describing. Foxface Lo does not have a black spot on its sides, the other yellow foxface looks exactly the same just it does have a black patch on its sides. It might be one or the other but my bet it is the first and is just a discoloration. It took mine 2 months before it would be completely bright yellow and even then any sudden movement in the room would have it camo'd and scrambling for cover. I eventually brought it back after over 6 months because I was tired of explainng to guests that the biggest and prettyest fish was hidden behind the rockwork. I actually just picked up a young scribbled rabbitfish yesterday, looks good so far.


do you know where this fox face is from? when the come out of the red sea they have the black spot on them


they are actually two different species the non spotted one is Siganus vulpinus and the black spotted one is Si. unimaculatus. Bad news on my scribbled though, passed away over night, no reason known, no ich, all it did was breath hard last night and was dead this morning. :(