foxface and clown

zack schwartz

Active Member
I have a 30gall. tank and was wondering if I could put a 3inch foxface and a 2 inch clown. Should I try. Plus are they hardy. I am new at this so I was just wondering.


Active Member
Hay zack, I had both of these fish in a 45g about a year ago. They get along fine but the foxface will eat like a pig and soon outgrow your tank. In my opinion the foxface will get too big too fast and you will have to return him or upgrade our tank to a larger size soon if you do get him. Maybe you should stick to smaller species of fish like the clowns you mentioned. I have a pair of percs taht are great to watch. A few fish you could also put in a 30gal would be firefish, hawkfish, sixline wrasse, just to name a few. Depends on what you like. :) HTH


New Member
Hi Zach,, I have a fox face and clown.. I have had my fox face for about three months now .. he has not grown much at all and he does not bother my clown or my yellow tang