Foxface food?



Yes, they eat greens. Don't quote me on this, but I think they are classified in some books as a tang. Don't quote me! hehe:thinking:


We have had our Foxface for almody 4 yrs now, and we feed him a blend of Herbivore and Carnivore diets and he loves them both (he also gets a little bit of Nori for a snack and he tears it up!)...make sure he gets enough vegitation and he will do great. They seem to make pretty good tankmates because they mind their own business, but I have never kept one with a Yellow tang. Also, be careful, they are venomous.


I hae a foxface and a yellow tang in my 75 gallon. They have been getting along for nearly two years now. No probs.

bang guy


Originally posted by exotickeeper
Foxface is related in the Rabbitfish family and eats brine shrimp.

I can almost guarantee that very few, if any, wild Foxface have ever eaten a Brine Shrimp ;)
They are omnivors though and will eat just about anything except live coral.


Active Member
Our foxface is (by his own choice) a complete herbivore. He tears up the algae sheets we put into the tank, but almost never goes after the meaty foods we put in there for the other fish.
We have also kept a foxface and a yellow tang together for months with no problem. There was some posturing at first, but now they almost school together.