Foxface Help?


I got this new foxface from saltwater fish. Dripped it for 3 hrs. Put him in the tank and now he just stays in the corner and sometimes he turns almost white and spotty. Water levels all good. Nothing picking on him. He is the giant of the tank. My mimic tang and coral B tail faned him a time or two but now mostly ignore him. Is it normal for this fish to do this? Should I keep lights off for awhile? Thanks in advance..


Why isn't he in quarantine? Anyway, I have a foxface and he changes colors every morning. I would leave light off for awhile to reduce stress.


But it just lays around and dont swim much. He is staying upright but not eating or moving much. Just wondering if its shock from delivery or is he dying. I know I need to QT but dont have the eqiupment.

al mc

Active Member
I have two. one in each of my DTs. This is normal behavior for them when stressed. I was certain mine would die the first time I saw this behavior. The dorsal spines were extended..color mottled and increased respiration rate. He was fine the next day. They will do this almost every day at one time or another, especially at 'bedtime'.


I feed flakes and table shrimp (raw). Do they take a while to get comfortable in a new home. If they take a couple of days then I think he'll be OK. Or hope he'll be OK. I followed the directions on saltwaterfish to the letter. Just dont know much about this fish.


Yes, please do. Also, having the lights off in the tank will relieve some of the stress. Stay away from the glass if you can as well. Let him get comfortable.


Active Member
Looks normal, just stressed. You need to feed him some seaweed/nori at least every other day also. Are you feeding your tang veggies? both are main herbivores.


Active Member
Foxface are major veggie guys. Get him some seaweed sheets. I think you said something about Tangs also. They all will love the greens.
Use a piece of the sheet in a clip. You can probably find the stuff at your LFS.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mcbdz
Looks normal, just stressed. You need to feed him some seaweed/nori at least every other day also. Are you feeding your tang veggies? both are main herbivores.

Beat me to it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Robert0862
I have no LFS. But I feed spirulina flakes.
They need more greens. You can order online, go to grocery store and buy nori/ dried seaweed in the oriental section. Make sure nothing is added to it.


well hes still with us. thats a good sign right? last night and today i decided to just watch him. he is scared of the coral B. the mimic tang he feel totally comfortable with. maybe its the color i dont know. if I walk by the tank his fins go up and he goes into cammo mode. I think this is a shy fish and needs time to get used to its surrounding. I love this fish and if I am wrong please tell me, slap me or something.


Originally Posted by Robert0862
well hes still with us. thats a good sign right? last night and today i decided to just watch him. he is scared of the coral B. the mimic tang he feel totally comfortable with. maybe its the color i dont know. if I walk by the tank his fins go up and he goes into cammo mode. I think this is a shy fish and needs time to get used to its surrounding. I love this fish and if I am wrong please tell me, slap me or something.
Stay away from the tank if possible. Keep the lights off as much as you can for a few days. I don't want to sound like I am preaching, but this is exactly the reason why fish should be quarantined, besides the possibility of disease contamination. They need time to get used to the aquaium setting and time to learn what you feed them and have the chance to eat without being affraid of your other fish. He will come around, but keep him as stress free as you possibly can until he does.


Active Member
My Foxface have come a longggggggg ways.....Still a very strange fish. Took me a long time (and I do mean a LONG time, more then 6 months)to get him to eat for me. Extremely shy!!! Now when he see me walk up with a bag of nori, he goes straight to the feeding site waiting for me to drop nori. He likes to eat pellets too, I rarely feed pellets, but that's what he likes.....I feed mainly frozen food, he likes formula 2....Most of the time he just hides, he doesn't come out a lot when your near by the tank, but he does come out to play with other fish earlier during the day, he rest