Originally Posted by Robert0862
well hes still with us. thats a good sign right? last night and today i decided to just watch him. he is scared of the coral B. the mimic tang he feel totally comfortable with. maybe its the color i dont know. if I walk by the tank his fins go up and he goes into cammo mode. I think this is a shy fish and needs time to get used to its surrounding. I love this fish and if I am wrong please tell me, slap me or something.
Stay away from the tank if possible. Keep the lights off as much as you can for a few days. I don't want to sound like I am preaching, but this is exactly the reason why fish should be quarantined, besides the possibility of disease contamination. They need time to get used to the aquaium setting and time to learn what you feed them and have the chance to eat without being affraid of your other fish. He will come around, but keep him as stress free as you possibly can until he does.