Foxface in a Reef?


Active Member
I was just curious to see what people's experiences were with a foxface... reef safe, invert compatability, agressiveness towards other fish, etc...
P.S. I am aware that these fish are venomous.


I kept one in my 55 reef. He was great. He was my 2nd fish I ever got. He died along with everything else do to me moving my tank. I wouldn't get another one untill I had a bigger tank however.
If you like the fox face you should check out the magnifcient rabbit fish. 10 times better looking IMO but about 5 X as expensive (around here anyways)


Active Member
Ive been keeping foxfaces in my reefs for about two years now, and IMO they are one of the best fish I have ever cared for, they are relentless herbivores that eat anything green, bubble algae, macro algae, even bryopsis. The only downside is that they are very peacefull and shy and should not be housed with aggressive or overly active fish. They also get big so tank size is an issue. HTH
When I was talking to the wife on the phone from the fire station (24 hour shift you know)
" Did you feed the fish today?"
" Oh, yes! I did!"
Blah, Blah
"Ouch!" (her)
"Feeding them right now, aren't you?"
"Yeah. When did the foxface start hand feeding?"
The damn thing doesn't like me but will eat from her hand!!! Doesn't he know who does the water changes around here?
Funny, though, explaining to the little lady what to do if she gets finned. (BTW... Hot, Hot, Hot water. So says the ER)
In case you are still wondering, I love my fox on my reef.


Active Member
I've had one in a FOWLR for a few months now with no problems. It's a very peaceful fish that gets along with everything in the tank (clowns, angel, chromis, royal gramma, misc. crabs & shrimp). It mows down algae better than my LMB did when I had him, and eats ANYTHING out of my hand.