FOXFACE in trouble



Info- 75 FOWLR. No new changes to system or inhabitants in months. Just did sea test, ammonia 0.0, nitrates 0, nitrites, sg ", 1.024, tank temp 76, all other fish displaying normal swim and breath patterns, etc.
I went into living room with the tank lights already timed on, and to my surprise find that my longest running, most healthy fish, my foxface lo, is "still" in the corner of my tank, at the bottom, proped up against a rock, alarmed and discolored like they get, fins Locked out, and breathing a mile a minute, external fins not moving at all.
This fish has always eaten well, and I know that with foxfaces, when the tank lights come on or off (mine this morning have been on for 1.5 hours already) they will swim against the rockwork, and discolor on purpose, but that lasts for about 2 mins, they he's out swimming. I see no visible signs of damage or quarreling, but that has yet to happen with him and any other tank inhabitant, including my scopas tang. ANY THEORIES? :help:
I went ahead and turned the tank lights back out, but it has no effect.


Within 10 minutes of writing this post, he was rigid. Took out the body, put in container, no torn fins, no scars, no cuts, nothing. Will soak the body in freshwater to see if any internal bugs/parasites might come out, but I highly doubt this, because his behavior was completely normal before this, and never even bothered to visit my cleaner shrimp. I am really hoping someone might add some insight. This fish was a juvenile speciemen, in my system for over 6 months with no problems, nothing. And these fish can get big and last several years easy. The tank has not had a disease outbreak, and currently, all the other fish are swimming around and behaving/displaying normally.


HELP! Now my scopas tang has become larthargic, labored breathing, and cannot swim properly, hanging near the surface. The clowns and algae blenny are still doing fine, as are my inverts and shrimp, I am doing large 20-30 percent water change.


IN THE MIDDLE OF WATER CHANGES, SCOPAS STOPPED BREATHING, HELP HELP. Now all I have is 2 percs and a blenny that move and breath normal, still inverts and shrimp no problems, continuting wiht 30 % water change . . .


Are your pumps working, providing oxygen?
Are you feeling a tingling sensation when you put your hands in the water?
Have you used any house cleaning chemicals near it recently?


What kind of equipment do you have (filtration, pumps, etc.)? When was your last water change? How often do you do water changes? Have you added any other specimens lately?


Active Member
someone else around here lost some fish when some aersol cleaner (or maybe fragrance) was sprayed and got sucked into the tank water ....
The clowns are pretty hardy ... but watch them to see if they start gasping!


Thanks for the concern everyone, It really gave me the whole "no one gives a da--" attitude in here when no one posted help earlier, glad y'all replied
END RESULTS of today. Foxface lo looked bad, labored breathing, dies. Start to do immediate water change, in process, my scopas tang gets labored breathing, eventually rests on bottom, dies. Also, during the process of me doing a 30% water change with RO water and adding activated carbon to absorb any random chemicals, my yellow headed sand sifting goby and six line are found in rockwork dead, but I do not know time of death, but I do not think their small bodies in 75 could have made water turn bad so fast. My two clownfish are still swimming around like nothing is wrong, even ate tonight after all this. My shrimp and inverts are moving around like nothing happened at all.
No, I do not get a stingin sensation in tank. I run 2 emperor 280 hang on filters, a seaclone 150 skimmer, 2 maxi jet powerheads, and 1 301 aquacleaer powerhead. I did a regular maintenance water change 2 weeks ago.
When ever I put my hands in tank, they have been srubbed clean, along with my arms, and I then put on latex gloves (non powdered) so nothing under my fingernails gets on them. No chemicals like lysol or windex are ever used near tank, and no bug spray or anything like that near tank either. I am very stumped.
Last night and this week, everyone has been doing fine, eating well, with the exception of my LMB, which was acting sluggish, but the cleaner only cleaned his gills that one time waterfaller. In fact, 2 nights ago, I was marveling with a red flashlight how much my POD population was growing.
THERE YOU GO SPORTS FANS, any ideas would be necessary. The only valued LFS thinks somehow I got something in my tank, and that a large water change and carbon will take any traces of it out of my system.
Having said that, . . only thing left to say is thanks for some posts, and !$@%#^#&$&&$&$&


Active Member
Possible electrical current? Maybe something shorted? Try shutting everything down, and seeing if that makes a difference...heater, powerheads, return pump, anything electrical in the water. Turn them back on one by one to see which might be the problem. If nothing, at least you've eliminated that as a possibility.