Foxface issue, massive ich?


so i am certain i have an outbreak of ich in my DT, and i have noticed the small specs on my standard foxface all within a matter of an hour, turning into large blotches. same area the ich specs were in, but now a duller shade instead of the bright white, and larger, is this normal? i have never dealt with ich so if this is just the next stage, ok, but i also think it could just be stress related since he was just moved and im being paranoid because of the ich and the blotches are just his camo
i tried to take a picture, but he wouldnt sit still for me to get close enough
there are still small specs along with the blotches, so i am confused, any advice would be appreciated
ordered a UV sterilizer, should be here soon
trying garlic but the fish arent eating much if any at all, even my lionfish wont touch food or even seem interested
keeping lights off


U want t0 find 0ut if it really is ich if it is its w0rth just taking the 2 m0nths with the fish in QT if u can aff0rd setting 1 up. if n0t clean water and a varied diet with vitamins can all0w ur fish t0 build a t0lerence with ich, it will always be in the tank but the fish will deal with it. The d0wn side is that if u add s0mething new especially a species pr0ne 2 parasites ich will m0st likely reappear. Search Hyp0 meath0ds in the treatment secti0n there are plenty 0f clear directi0ns


Originally Posted by spkdtch
so i am certain i have an outbreak of ich in my DT, and i have noticed the small specs on my standard foxface all within a matter of an hour, turning into large blotches. same area the ich specs were in, but now a duller shade instead of the bright white, and larger, is this normal? i have never dealt with ich so if this is just the next stage, ok, but i also think it could just be stress related since he was just moved and im being paranoid because of the ich and the blotches are just his camo
i tried to take a picture, but he wouldnt sit still for me to get close enough
there are still small specs along with the blotches, so i am confused, any advice would be appreciated
ordered a UV sterilizer, should be here soon
trying garlic but the fish arent eating much if any at all, even my lionfish wont touch food or even seem interested
keeping lights off
It sounds like stress mark on your foxface. Do you have a QT to treat the ich. All of the fish have been infected. Do you have corals?


no corals, but inverts, it was just his camo, all gone now, wasnt ich in this case, but he still does have ich that he is being treated for


Well-Known Member
Dribble some fresh garlic juice on a piece of shrimp and feed it to him. I don't know why but it really helps the fish to fight off ich.
I had a Hippo tang that rubbed himself constantly. I treated for ich and it wasn't working after all the dosing was over he was still sick.
I have a reef tank, he got stressed when I was doing a water change, everytime I looked at the tang he seemed to get ich. After the garlic he is all clear and happy again.
I have had the tang for two years now, so he is not new. I thought I would loose him this time.