Foxface Lo


Hey, does anybody gave experiance with these guys? I probally will get one eventually. Curious to see your opinions on them.


Well,I had one as my 4th fish.Apparently it had something that wiped out my entire tank.The lady at my lfs also had one that became infested with ick shortly after arrival.My friend also had one that got ick about a week after she got it.It seems to me that they are very sensitive when it comes to disease.Although,I also know that many people have had much sucess with them with no problems at all.As far as getting them to eat,they seam to be good eaters.Don't take it strictly from me,I just have heard of some awfull experiences with them.But they are very neat fish and very active fish.hth ;)

the fishinator

I have had 2 and I think they are a great fish. My oldest one is about 2 years old and has reached about 5 inches and will eat anything I throw at it...make sure it receives its greens thou! My first one died after a Velvet Damsel was added and killed it, they are not an aggressive fish so do not put them in with such fish.
Do not know if they are reef safe.
Mine has never been sick which leads me to believe that in the right tank, proper feedings, mild mannered tank mates you would do very well.
P.S. The FoxFace is poisonous, so watch the fins.

mr. jaws

New Member
I have had mine for 6 months and doing great so far, I purchased it while it was still in the bag which was a gamble but it has done the best of all my fish. The only problem I have has is that he does not stay yellow very long, he is always pale which is his attack mode -> (spikes on the dorsal fin straight up). Dont know why he stays this color.


The foxface will be goin into an aggressive tank (attenatta lion, harlequin tusk, snowflake eel, and a picasso trigger), and I have read that they do ok with aggressive fish because of those spines. I want the foxface in there for algea control, he'll last longer than any snails could dream of.


New Member
I suspect he'd fit in fine (assuming a really big tank with those impressive specimens you have!) Mine is assertive and confident with agressive feeders (Picasso trigger and lunare wrasse,) yet has a peaceful herbivorous demeaner reminiscent of a tang. GREENS! Dried seaweed (plain Nori,) Spirulina, and other greens aare easy to supple and will be enjoyed by the trigger and the tuskfish. Mine is the one with the black spot on it's flank which I find striking.
YBYW >>{{{~}}">