Foxface lo?


Hey, I was hearing that dlight doesnt like his tang, now I, second guessing getting one too. But will this work in a 135 Antennata Lion (originally a voltain, cut for space), Harlequin tusk, Humu-Humu trigger, snowflake eel, and maybe a foxface lo. At two site the both said that they will work in alomost any tank from a reef to aggressive. Is that true? Are there top spines posionous? And how big do they get one site said 9 in, the other said 12 in. All advice welcomed


Active Member
mark24; Foxface or Badgerfish can get to 10 inches wild, so probably 6 inches in a tank. the spines on the dorsal and anal fins are poisonous so be sure to handle with extreme care. They are described as active, fast growing fish that need space for swimming. Lively but peaceable, although agressive towards members of own species.
the problems i have with my tang is he is always sick, the only fish i have evr had go sick on me, (velvet, bacteria infections, not worth it) now you must think about this, with a aggressive tank your going to want a fish to keep the tank clean of hair algae, which was why i got the tang(by the way the tusk is awesome fish, i got one great choice, just make sure the tank is up and running for a bit before he is added in.
i dunno about that foxface buyt this is what i would do if you wanted to get that foxface(my lfs store has 3 about 3/4 f a inch they are amazing)
addition to tank first to last
2. eel(make sure you have no openings in the tank
***see how they do and in a little bit add
3. the tusk make him bigger then the trigger but smaller then the foxface but not by much
(lol i will talk to mother nature for you lol)
4.foxface- before you get him make up some bullsh** story for your local fish store to hold him so you can watch him and watch him and and such. any questions about triggers and the tusk feel free to email me(its below )
5. trigger